✧ Our Creation Process ✧

❀  Blessed in Bali  

The island of Bali is renowned for its high-frequency energy, due to its unique location where the Ley Lines (Mother Earth’s energy currents) intersect. It’s no wonder that this is a place of spiritual transformation, as it can elicit big awakenings and deep change within. 

Here at Bearth, we honour this gift and choose to infuse our jewelry with the island’s special healing and purifying energy. We work closely with a local Balinese priest to cleanse and purify each Chakra Necklace in a unique ceremony. The necklaces are brought to a sacred waterfall temple, where they are cleansed and blessed and infused with deep prayers of balance, love and freedom for each woman who wears it.

Learn more about our blessing ceremony by watching the video below:



☀︎  Our Ethics & Giving Back  ☀︎

At Bearth we believe in eco-entrepreneurship, and we strive for all of our jewelry to be made consciously and ethically. All of the Bearth team members are like family and are paid fairly, from the silversmith to the priest. We feel truly blessed working with local families that inherit the mastery of their craft from their ancestors.

We are also proud to be able to give back to the communities here in Bali. By purchasing at Bearth you are directly involved in supporting a wide range of local Balinese girls and women that are in need. Currently, we are collecting funds to help Dewi. 

Dewi survived a bad food poisoning, thanks to a miraculous healing when she was licked by a rescued puppy her father brought to her to the hospital. Her young life is dedicated to rescuing Bali street dogs. A portion of our funds allow her to look after the 30+ dogs that she currently has in her care.



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